pyTagger package


pyTagger.models module

pyTagger.models.makeEnum(name, *sequential, **named)[source]

Implement an enum type in python



Enumerated values used with pyTagger.actions.where.process()

alias of Comparison

class pyTagger.models.FilterCondition[source]

Bases: pyTagger.models.FilterCondition_

A named tuple class that tracks WHERE conditions


field (str): The field to compare

comparison (COMPARISON): The type of comparision

value: The value to compare

class pyTagger.models.TrackMatch[source]

Bases: pyTagger.models.TrackMatch_

Instances of this class are generated by pyTagger.operations.find_duplicates.findIsonoms() and identify a possible match between two tracks.

status (str): Tracks the status of the match.

‘single’: There is only one match for newTags in the set

‘multiple’: There are multiple matches for newTags in the set

‘nothing’: There are no matches for newTags

‘insufficient’: An error occurred during matching

‘ready’: The match has been validated

‘manual’: The match will require manual editing

newPath (str): The file location of the track being matched

oldPath (str): The file location of a potential match

score (float): The strength of the match. Higher is better

newTags (dict): The tags of the track being matched

oldTags (dict): The tags of the potential match

class pyTagger.models.Snapshot[source]

Bases: object

The main data structure of the application. It is a dictionary of paths with each path holding a dictionary of ID3 tags


  '/path/to/file1': {'artist': 'foo', 'album': 'bar'},
  '/path/to/file2': {'artist': 'foo', 'album': 'baz'}
basic = [‘title’, ‘track’, ‘totalTrack’, ‘artist’, ‘albumArtist’, ‘album’, ‘length’]

Tags for the most widely supported information about a track

songwriting = [‘bpm’, ‘composer’, ‘key’, ‘lyrics’, ‘language’]

Tags related to the composition and musical form of the track

production = [‘year’, ‘releaseDate’, ‘originalReleaseDate’, ‘recordingDate’, ‘conductor’, ‘remixer’, ‘publisher’]

Tags related to the publication and release of the track

distribution = [‘barcode’, ‘media’, ‘disc’, ‘totalDisc’]

Tags related to how this track was packaged

library = [‘genre’, ‘id’, ‘ufid’, ‘compilation’, ‘comments’, ‘playCount’, ‘group’, ‘subtitle’, ‘encodingDate’, ‘taggingDate’]

Tags useful to those who obsessively curate their music collection ;)

mp3Info = [‘bitRate’, ‘vbr’, ‘fileHash’, ‘version’]

Tags related to how this track is encoded

dltTags = [‘comments’, ‘lyrics’]

Tags that have the form: ‘Description’, ‘Language’ and ‘Text’

complexTags = [‘comments’, ‘lyrics’, ‘ufid’]

Tags that can have multiple instances in the same track

integerTags = [‘track’, ‘totalTrack’, ‘length’, ‘disc’, ‘totalDisc’, ‘compilation’, ‘playCount’, ‘bitRate’]

Numeric tags

static orderedAllColumns()[source]

Provides an ordered list of all supported ID3 tags

static columnsFromSnapshot(data)[source]

Determines the tags used in a snapshot

data (Snapshot): The snapshot to analyze

A list of tags from the snapshot in the following order:

  1. The standard order
  2. Any unrecognized fields in alphanumeric order
static columnsFromArgs(args)[source]

Determines which tags are requested from command line options

args (argparse): The options parsed from the command line or configuration file
An ordered list of all requested tags

If args does not contain any tag options, the basic set will be returned.

pyTagger.utils module

pyTagger.utils.defaultConfigFiles = [u’./config.ini’, u’~/pyTagger.ini’]

Possible locations for the configuration file


Gets the set of known arguments from a specific parser

name (str): The name of the parser to get options from
An object with the options as attributes

Determines the absolute path from a relative path

path (str): A path relative to
The absolute path

Provides an application-wide standard for loading JSON files

The application standard uses UTF-8 and no newline translation

fileName (str): The absolute path to a JSON file
A fully-loaded, deserialized version of the JSON file
pyTagger.utils.saveJson(fileName, o)[source]

Provides an application-wide standard for saving JSON files


fileName (str): The absolute path to where the JSON file should be written

o (object): The object that will be written out

These steps are used for writing the JSON in the application’s standard:
  1. Convert the entire object to a JSON string
  2. Ensure the string is Unicode
  3. Write out to the filename using UTF-8 encoding

Provides a way to write an array to a JSON file, one item at a time

The JSON file is written using the same standards as saveJson()

fileName (str): The absolute path to where the JSON file should be written
int: The current number of rows processed

Example Usage:

output = saveJsonIncrementalArray(fileName)

counted = next(output)

for row in someArray:
    counted = output.send(row)

pyTagger.utils.saveJsonIncrementalDict(fileName, compact=False)[source]

Provides a way to write a dictionary to a JSON file, one item at a time

The JSON file is written using the same standards as saveJson()


fileName (str): The absolute path to where the JSON file should be written

compact (bool): True if the resulting JSON should be written as densely as possible

int: The current number of rows processed

Example Usage:

output = saveJsonIncrementalDict(fileName)

counted = next(output)

for key, value in someDict.items():
    pair = (key, value)
    counted = output.send(pair)


Generate a unique identifer

str: A 24 character string that should be unique across time and space
pyTagger.utils.fmap(fns, x)[source]

A version of the Haskell functor concept


fns (list[functions]): A list of functions to apply.

x (object): The object that will be passed to all functions

The value of x after calling the last function

All the functions should have the same signature: def foo(x) -> x

Module contents